Tuesday, July 27, 2010

“Gymnastics center loans decision Wednesday” plus 3 more

“Gymnastics center loans decision Wednesday” plus 3 more

Gymnastics center loans decision Wednesday

Posted: 27 Jul 2010 04:44 AM PDT

Click photo to enlarge

Sixteen-year-old Gabrielle Kambur rotates on the vault as gymnasts compete in the NorCal Women¹s State Gymnastics Championships at the Oroville Gymnastics and Sports Academy on March 20. The Feather River Recreation and Park District board of directors will consider a resolution approving loans to buy the Oroville Gymnastics and Sports Academy Wednesday. (Jason Halley/Staff file photo)

OROVILLE — The Feather River Recreation and Park District board will consider a resolution approving loans to buy the Oroville Gymnastics and Sports Academy during its Wednesday* meeting.

Changes to the district master plan are also scheduled for consideration.

The park district has offered to buy the gymnastics center at 1875 Feather River Boulevard for $3.5 million.

A 10-year loan of $3.15 million from Butte Community Bank and a city loan of $350,000 would finance the purchase, according to the two resolutions.

The city loan would go toward the second deed of trust against the property, which is about $380,000. The park district would put up another $30,000 to pay off the second.

Payments on the $3.15 million would be about $38,000 a month, according to information from the city.

The city's loan payment would add another $3,713 a month, bringing the payment to $41,713 a month.

Nine existing full-time employees including Marcia Carter will be employed after the purchase, as well as about 23 part-timers, some working only 10 hours a week.

However, the district will manage the facility and handle the money.

Rick Farley, business assistance coordinator for the city, said the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Rural Development approved an 80 percent guarantee for the larger loan last Friday.

The loan guarantee came through the Business and Industry section of the USDA.

Farley said approval

from the state for the city loan should come by early next week.

In other business, the board will consider changes to the master plan update that have been proposed by Sheryl Manies, the park district's administrative assistant.

Manies served as interim manager before the new manager was hired.

Manies went through chapters one to three of the draft master plan to correct discrepancies, according to her report.

Some changes might require more detailed explanation such as the section in Chapter 3 on the Supplemental Benefits Fund, according to the report.

Phase one of the plan began in 2005 and was completed in 2006 to inventory existing facilities.

Phase two began in 2008 and was finished in 2009 combining input from public workshops around the district.

The board held a public hearing last year on the master plan. However, the district has not formally adopted the plan, as Board Member Vene Thompson suggested at a meeting, that the board should wait until the new general manager John Buck III took over in January 2010.

Another item will look at purchasing security cameras or some kind of security system in district parks.

The parks have been the target of vandalism and graffiti.

The meeting is open to the public.

Staff writer Mary Weston can be reached at 533-3135 or mweston@orovillemr.com.

Public meeting
- Feather River Recreation and Park District
- 3:30 p.m. Wednesday
- Municipal Auditorium, 1200 Myers St.

Correction, Tuesday, July 27, 2010, The original version of this story incorrectly stated when the Feather River Recreation and Park District board will meet. The meeting is scheduled for 3:30 p.m. Wednesday. Return to corrected sentence.

Five Filters featured article: "Peace Envoy" Blair Gets an Easy Ride in the Independent. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Gymnastics center loans decision today

Posted: 27 Jul 2010 12:14 AM PDT

Click photo to enlarge

Sixteen-year-old Gabrielle Kambur rotates on the vault as gymnasts compete in the NorCal Women¹s State Gymnastics Championships at the Oroville Gymnastics and Sports Academy on March 20. The Feather River Recreation and Park District board of directors will consider a resolution approving loans to buy the Oroville Gymnastics and Sports Academy Wednesday. (Jason Halley/Staff file photo)

OROVILLE — The Feather River Recreation and Park District board will consider a resolution approving loans to buy the Oroville Gymnastics and Sports Academy during its Wednesday* meeting.

Changes to the district master plan are also scheduled for consideration.

The park district has offered to buy the gymnastics center at 1875 Feather River Boulevard for $3.5 million.

A 10-year loan of $3.15 million from Butte Community Bank and a city loan of $350,000 would finance the purchase, according to the two resolutions.

The city loan would go toward the second deed of trust against the property, which is about $380,000. The park district would put up another $30,000 to pay off the second.

Payments on the $3.15 million would be about $38,000 a month, according to information from the city.

The city's loan payment would add another $3,713 a month, bringing the payment to $41,713 a month.

Nine existing full-time employees including Marcia Carter will be employed after the purchase, as well as about 23 part-timers, some working only 10 hours a week.

However, the district will manage the facility and handle the money.

Rick Farley, business assistance coordinator for the city, said the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Rural Development approved an 80 percent guarantee for the larger loan last Friday.

The loan guarantee came through the Business and Industry section of the USDA.

Farley said approval

from the state for the city loan should come by early next week.

In other business, the board will consider changes to the master plan update that have been proposed by Sheryl Manies, the park district's administrative assistant.

Manies served as interim manager before the new manager was hired.

Manies went through chapters one to three of the draft master plan to correct discrepancies, according to her report.

Some changes might require more detailed explanation such as the section in Chapter 3 on the Supplemental Benefits Fund, according to the report.

Phase one of the plan began in 2005 and was completed in 2006 to inventory existing facilities.

Phase two began in 2008 and was finished in 2009 combining input from public workshops around the district.

The board held a public hearing last year on the master plan. However, the district has not formally adopted the plan, as Board Member Vene Thompson suggested at a meeting, that the board should wait until the new general manager John Buck III took over in January 2010.

Another item will look at purchasing security cameras or some kind of security system in district parks.

The parks have been the target of vandalism and graffiti.

The meeting is open to the public.

Staff writer Mary Weston can be reached at 533-3135 or mweston@orovillemr.com.

Public meeting
- Feather River Recreation and Park District
- 3:30 p.m. Wednesday
- Municipal Auditorium, 1200 Myers St.

Correction, Tuesday, July 27, 2010, The original version of this story incorrectly stated when the Feather River Recreation and Park District board will meet. The meeting is scheduled for 3:30 p.m. Wednesday. Return to corrected sentence.

Five Filters featured article: "Peace Envoy" Blair Gets an Easy Ride in the Independent. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Sports complex on ice: Osceola leaders put off decision again

Posted: 27 Jul 2010 03:31 AM PDT

Osceola County's plans for an amateur sports complex seemed out of reach Monday as County Manager Don Fisher told commissioners less money is available than anticipated.

But commissioners weren't ready to let the issue die. They postponed for a week their decision on whether and where to build the complex. They also instructed staff members to involve sports organizations that would use the proposed complex to see if any are willing to invest in the project.

"We haven't said to any of them — How much are you willing to bring into this endeavor?" County Commissioner John Quiñones said.

Fisher told commissioners they had only about $10 million available from the tourism development tax reserves — from a 6 percent tax charged on hotel stays — to buy land and build the first phase of the project, including eight fields. Commissioners had previously thought they could use about $19 million, but Fisher told them that much of that money had been already committed to other projects.

Three sites are competing for the complex. Of those, Harmony, an environmentally minded community in southwest Osceola, offered to donate the land and lend the county money to build the complex. But Fisher advised the commission against the site because of the location, which is far from the tourist corridor with hotels and restaurants.

The other two properties — one owned by Avatar Properties on east U.S. Highway 192, another owned by the Falcone Group in the Rolling Oaks area on west U.S. Highway 192 — are better locations, Fisher said. But the cost to acquire and develop those sites exceeds the $10 million available.

"I don't see how you pay for any of those two sites," Fisher said.

Staff members were instructed to talk with the United States Specialty Sports Association (USSSA) and other similar groups to gauge their interest in investing. The USSSA, whose headquarters are at Osceola Heritage Park, is one of the nation's largest youth amateur sports organizations. The association has been lobbying for the proposed complex to host all of its championship tournaments but so far hasn't offered to help build it.

The proposed multiuse complex would have up to 20 ball fields and indoor facilities for sports such as volleyball, basketball, gymnastics and karate.

Jeannette Rivera-Lyles can be reached at jrivera@orlandosentinel.com or 407-420-5471.

Five Filters featured article: "Peace Envoy" Blair Gets an Easy Ride in the Independent. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

S.B. sports-oriented camps start in August

Posted: 27 Jul 2010 12:31 PM PDT

S.B. sports-oriented camps start in August

South Brunswick Community Education will sponsor the following sports-oriented camps for different age groups throughout the summer:

• Tennis Camp for middle and high school players will be held 8-11 a.m. Aug. 2-6 at the South Brunswick High School courts.

• Advanced Basketball Camp, for boys entering grades 7-12 with prior team experience, will be held Aug. 2-6 at the air-conditioned gym at South Brunswick High School.

• Viking Gymnastics Camp for grades 6- 12 will take place Aug. 2-6. Two levels will be offered this summer: basic/intermediate will meet 9-11:30 a.m. and advanced will meet 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

• Boys Soccer Camp for boys entering grades 7-10 from Aug. 2-6, and grades 2-6 the week of Aug 9-13, at Crossroads South Middle School. The action-packed week includes daily instruction, skill work, strategy and shooting drills.

• Cross Country Camp for boys and girls in grades 6-12 will be held 8-11 a.m. Aug. 2-6 at South Brunswick High School. Learn how to train, to pace, proper nutrition and strategy.

• Girls Volleyball Camp for those entering grades 6-12 will be held 9 a.m. to noon Aug. 9-13 at South Brunswick High School.

• Boys Volleyball Camp for those entering grades 6-12 will be held 1-4 p.m. Aug. 9-13 at South Brunswick High School. Players are grouped by ability; daily games and contests.

• Boys Lacrosse Camp for boys entering grades 3-11 will be held 9 a.m. to noon Aug. 16-20 at Crossroads South. Campers will learn the fundamentals, positional skill work, scrimmage and contests.

Summer 2010 brochures can be downloaded at http://www.sbschools.org/community_ ed.

Contact Deana.Myers@sbschools.org or call 732-297-7800, ext. 3159, for more sports information.

Camps are open to the public — neighboring communities' residents are welcome.

Five Filters featured article: "Peace Envoy" Blair Gets an Easy Ride in the Independent. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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